Analyze the free screening results of cervical cancer and breast cancer for more than 2000 females
中文关键词: 乳腺癌  子宫颈癌  妇科检查  彩超  液基薄层细胞检测  钼靶X线摄影
英文关键词: Breast cancer  Cervical cancer  Gynecological examination  Color Doppler ultrasound  Thin-cytologic test  Molybdenum target radiography
张 磊 江苏省南通市通州区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心妇保科江苏 南通 226300 
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      Objective: To analyze the free screening results of cervical cancer and breast cancer for more than 2000 females.Methods: From January 2019 to November 2019,the females in our unit were treated for screening of cervical cancer and breast cancer.2424 females received the screening of cervical cancer and 2422 cases for screening of breast cancer. Screening results were probed. Results:In the screening of cervical cancer, reproductive tract infection or even benign systemic disease was mainly discovered. TCT(thin-cytologic test)indicated that nearly 3.22% of the females had the abnormality.0.5% of the females(12 cases)were confirmed with cervical lesions through colposcopy and histopathology examination. In the screening of breast cancer, only 2 cases had invasive ductal carcinoma(stage II A)through breast ultrasonography, X-ray and histopathology examination. Conclusion: In the screening process, the high-risk females may be possibly confirmed with higher incidences of reproductive system disease and breast disease, and lower awareness rate of illness knowledge. Therefore, the popularization and propaganda of health knowledge can increase their cognition degree and rate while the proper prevention and interventions may be applied for decreased rate of cervical cancer and breast cancer.
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